10 Companies Relentlessly Working On Solid State Batteries

Like the carrot in front of the donkey, we can almost see the solid state battery revolution. Less battery degradation, fast charging rates, higher energy density by both volume and weight, lower battery costs. All things that will dramatically improve the personal and commercial EV experience as well as change the economics for stationary enegy storage. The 10 companies mentioned in the article  are:

  • Toyota

  • Volkswagen (and its QuantumScape partnership

  • Panasonic

  • Beijing WeLion New Energy Technology

  • Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL)

  • Honda

  • Nissan

  • Solid Energy System

  • Solid Power

  • Sila Nanotechnologies

It looks like they are all talking about commercialization in 2028-2030. The stick holding the carrot is still 5 years long. I hope that in 2030 we are not talking about the 2035 solid state battery revolution.


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